
MSK MRI for Beginners

November 4, 2023 CPD (6)

Date, Time and Venue

4th November 2023, 0900 - 1700 hrs (time in London, UK)

Online via Zoom.


Booking Link:


This course provides 6 CPD credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.


Course aim:

To provide participants with a practical, stimulating, step by step guide on interpretation of musculoskeletal MRI:

-    cased based;

-    assumes little or no prior experience in MSK MRI; and

-    covers most commonly performed MSK MRI studies: knee, shoulder and lumbar spine.


Target audience:

The course is pitched at a level suitable for radiology registrars, radiographers, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals with an interest in interpreting musculoskeletal MRI in their clinical practice.


Learning outcomes:

By the end of the course, the attendee will have:

- An understanding of MR anatomy and appearance of most common pathology of knee, shoulder and lumbar spine

- An appreciation of a step by step approach to interpreting MSK MRI

- Greater confidence reading MSK MRI, and

- Identified any knowledge gaps relevant to his/her practice, and ways by which these can be addressed


Course highlights:

-   Focuses on concepts someone new to MSK MRI interpretation may find challenging

-   Case based and hence relevant to day to day practice.

-    Covers most common pathology enabling attendees to make a start interpreting musculoskeletal MRI.

-    Limited number of delegates to facilitate interactivity.


How to register:

For a registration form, please email: