
Exciting Developments in the Athletic Therapy Profession

March 7, 2019 ARTI

Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy Ireland are pleased to announce that the ARTI membership has overwhelmingly voted to change the name of our membership to Certified Athletic Therapists (CAT). A quorum was reached and 97% of voters agreed that the term Athletic Therapy will be now adopted to describe the profession of members of ARTI. Unlike other professional bodies, there is an entrance exam to ensure the high standard of skill, knowledge and proficiency of ARTI members. Therefore, to reflect this, the term Certified Athletic Therapist will be used to distinguish members of ARTI and they will use the postnominal initials CAT.

At this critical junction for the Athletic Therapy profession both nationally and internationally, this strategic name change will align Irish Certified Athletic Therapists with global terminology.

This name change was ratified by the ARTI executive at their most recent board meeting and the ARTI executive encourage all our members to use the term Certified Athletic Therapist and Athletic Therapy in all promotional material, websites and credentialing.

Mr Andrew Watson, ARTI President, stated
“I am delighted to announce this significant title change for ARTI members. The fact that our members voted so strongly indicated the need for a title that is not only in keeping with our international partners in other nations but also clearer for the public to understand.”

This name change was ratified by the ARTI executive at their most recent board meeting and the ARTI executive encourage all our members to use the term Certified Athletic Therapist and Athletic Therapy in all promotional material, websites and credentialing.

“Please use Certified Athletic Therapist (CAT) in all your professional dealings and ARTI will ensure to continue to promote and support our highly skilled members.”

Thank you to all our members for voting.